Information in English

The Men’s Equality Commission (Mannsutvalget)

The Men’s Equality Commission (Mannsutvalget) is a government appointed commission mandated to examine gender equality challenges faced by boys and men in Norway.

The commission was appointed by royal decree in August 2022 and will publish its final report in April 2024.

The commission will examine gender equality challenges across a wide range of policy areas, including education and employment, family life, health, civic life, and social inclusion.

In its final report, the commission will provide a comprehensive review of the gender equality challenges faced by boys and men at different stages of life. The commission will review existing policies and suggest new efforts and initiatives.

Although men constitute a majority within powerful political and economic positions, and men’s earnings on average are greater than women’s, men may still face gender equality challenges. Gender equality policies aim to ensure equal opportunities for civic participation to all citizens. A central premise for the Commissions work, is that different groups of boys and men may face different types of obstacles to full civic participation.

The Commission will examine how men’s gender equality challenges relate to differences in income, education, class, geography, ethnicity, age/life stage, sexual orientation, gender identity, and levels of functional ability. In this way, the commission will examine gender equality challenges from an intersectional perspective.

Perceptions of gender roles and norms of masculinity have changed during recent years, and these may differ across groups in the population. Where relevant, the commission will examine the relationship between gender equality challenges and prevailing norms of masculinity.

The Men’s Equality Commission consists of 17 individually appointed members and is chaired by Claus Jervell.

A secretariat within the Ministry of Culture and Equality administers the commission’s work:

Kristian Landsgård (Head of Secretariat):

Finn Skre Fjordholm (Senior Adviser):

Erle Inderhaug (Senior Adviser):